Sunday, February 4, 2007

Tripp needs glasses

Hey Everyone,

I just want to come out & let everyone know whats going on w/ my puppy. Over the past two months we have noticed that Tripps left eye was cloudy. We the past 3 days the right eye has started to cloud over so I took him to the vet.

As of right now I've been told he is developing Cataracts (he's only 4) early which is very rare. They are trying to find out why but unfortunately it looks as if he is going to be blind. Right now he has very limited vision & as you can imagine he is really struggling to adapt. He walks into walls, us & Whimpy. Outside is scarry as all hell because he has no idea where to even go....espcially with everything being white.....just blinds him out. He is very depressed & lithless. Doesn't want to do anything but sleep & cuddle.

They are checking for diabetes & i should know maybe over the weekend. However the condition is still non reversable. I'm not sure what we are going to do. They did give us a dog eye specialist in Akron to go see ...... but who knows if I can afford it. But I'll try & see. They said surgery may help....may not.

So.......I'm struggling big time & have been very down & sad about the entire thing. It is so hard to watch him be so scared. Just breaks my heart & I dont know what I can do for him. But I'm going to start working with him on his surroundings while he still has some vision left & hopefully he'll adapt well. (according to the vet he'll go well...I guess its getting me to adapt that gonna be rough).


Anonymous said...

Hi Tripp,

Uncle Gregg and I and your cousins Max and Dakota send big hugs and sloppy wet kisses to you!!!! We know you can adapt to your new situation, just stay strong and give it some time. And milk the humans for all the attention and treats you can get!!!!

We love you!
Aunt Mo,Uncle Gregg, Max and Dakota

Anonymous said...

Hey Tripp.
Its Gina. Well I hope you get better. You are doing well around the house which is a plus. ^_^

Anonymous said...

You write very well.